
Personal Information

First name, Surname:

Edita Djambazova



Areas of interest:

Dependable computing, dependable distributed systems, error detection techniques, clock synchronization algorithms, critical infrastructure protection, information security


dependable distributed systems, safety-critical systems, adjustable reliability




Institute of Information and Communication Technologies,

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences





Employment details


Intelligent Systems


Engineer of Automatization





Researcher unique identifier(s)
(ORCID, ResearcherID, etc.):


URL for personal website:


Education and qualifications


Faculty/department – University/institution – Country


Ph.D. in Computer and Communication Engineering

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

11.2007 – 02.2008

Scholarship on interdependencies among critical infrastructures

ENEA – Italy

1984 – 1989

M.Sc. in Computer Science and Automatics

Higher Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (Technical University – Sofia)

1980 – 1984

29th Secondary School – Sofia




2020 – present

Modeling and Research of Intelligent Educational Systems and Sensor Networks (ISOSeM) – Work Package leader

2018 – 2020

Information and Communication Technologies for United Digital Market in Science, Education, and Security (ICTinSES) – member

2012 – 2013

A Unified Platform for Administration, Automation, and Management of International Standards – project leader during the first year


SysSec: A European Network of Excellence in Managing Threats and Vulnerabilities in the Future Internet: Europe for the World – member


ICT FORWARD – member


Integrated Risk Reduction of Information-based Infrastructure Systems (IRRIIS) – researcher


Virtual Tour Operator – member


Simulation of fault-tolerant systems – member


Fault-tolerant computer systems – member


Study of methods and algorithms for clock synchronization in distributed real-time process control systems – project leader


Study of the parameters of error detection techniques in computer systems – member


Assessment of the Safety of Hazardous Industrial Processes in the Presence of Design Faults (SHIP) – member


1 Djambazova, E., Andreev, R., ”Redundancy Management in Dependable Distributed Real-Time Systems”, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, p-ISSN: 2738-7356; e-ISSN: 2738-7364, Vol. 79, Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/PECR.79.23.02, 2023, pp. 37-54.
2 Djambazova E., Achieving System Reliability Using Reliability Adjustment, In International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2022 (CompSysTech ’22), June 17, 18, 2022, University of Ruse, Ruse, Bulgaria. ACM, New York, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-9644-8/22/06, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3546118.3546129
3 Djambazova, E. A Fault-Tolerant Real-Time System with Adjustable Reliability, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, CompSysTech’21 – Ruse, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, USA, ISBN: 978-1-4503-8982-2, June, 18-19 2021, pp. 76–80, https://doi.org/10.1145/3472410.3472415
4 Djambazova, E. “Adjusting Reliability of A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Process Control System – Preliminary Results”, International Conference “Automatics and Informatics 2012”, ISSN 1313-1869, Sofia, 3-5 Oct 2012, pp. 175-178.
5 E. Djambazova, M. Almgren, K. Dimitrov, E. Jonsson, “Emerging and Future Cyber Threats to Critical Systems”, in J. Camenisch, V. Kisimov, and M. Dubovitskaya (Eds.): iNetSec 2010, LNCS 6555: Open Research Problems in Network Security, pp. 29 – 46, 2011.
6 ICT FORWARD, White Book: Emerging ICT Threats, January 2010, http://www.ict-forward.eu/media/publications/forward-whitebook.pdf.
7 E. Djambazova, K. Dimitrov, “Cyber Security Aspects in Critical Systems and Applications”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Vol. 3, 2009, pp. 93-103.
8 E. Djambazova, “Node Reliability of A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Process Control System – Simulation Results”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. “Automatics and Informatics’ 2009”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 Sept. – 4 Oct. 2009, pp. I-131 – I-134.
9 H. Bos, E. Jonsson, E. Djambazova, K. Dimitrov, S. Ioannidis, E. Kirda and C. Kruegel, “Anticipating Security Threats to a Future Internet”, White Paper, March 2009, http://www.ict-forward.eu/media/publications/fia-whitepaper.pdf.
10 E. Djambazova, “Distributed Process Control System with Reliability Adjustment – Node Simulation Results”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Vol. 2, 2008, pp. 139-145 (in Bulgarian).
11 P. Petrov, K. Dimitrov, E. Djambazova, „Quality of Service and Security of Computer and Communication Networks”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Vol. 2, 2008, pp. 133-138 (in Bulgarian).
12 E. Djambazova, V. Rosato, and G. Vicoli, “Provision of Prototype “Leontief-Based Tool”, IRRIIS Deliverable D2.2.5, ENEA, 2008, http://www.irriis.org/File.aspx?lang=2&oiid=9227&pid=572.
13 T. Velev, P. Petrov, R. Andreev, K. Dimitrov, E. Djambazova, et al., „Internet-Based Information, Reservation and Communication System for the Tourism”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Sofia, Dec. 2007, pp. 8-16 (in Bulgarian).
14 E. Djambazova, “Information Security in Information, Reservation and Communication System for the Tourism”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Sofia, Dec. 2007, pp. 174-182 (in Bulgarian).
15 E. Djambazova, “Specialized Systems for Tourist Information and Service”, Proceedings of the ICCS-BAS, Sofia, Dec. 2007, pp. 27-35 (in Bulgarian).
16 E. Djambazova, “An Approach to Online Information Security Assessment”, “Scientific Support to the Transformation in the Security Sector – 2006”, Center for National Security and Defense Research – BAS, Sept. 2006, pp. 214-225 (in Bulgarian).
17 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Online Assessment of Data Protection”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge 2006, ISK’2006, June 28–30, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 154-167.
18 E. Djambazova, “Comparative Analysis of Signature-Monitoring Error Detection Techniques”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. “Automatics and Informatics’ 02”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Nov. 2002, pp. 29-32.
19 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Clock Synchronization with Independent Adjustment in Distributed Systems”, in Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Sofia, 2002, pp. 68-87.
20 E. Djambazova and K. Djambazov, “Processor Control-Flow Error-Detection Techniques – Model and Evaluation Tool”, in Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, Sofia, 2001, pp. 3-18.
21 E. Djambazova and K. Djambazov, “Time-Dependent Coverage Factor Model”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. “Automatics and Informatics’ 2000”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Oct. 2000, pp. 40-43.
22 E. Djambazova, “Construct Integrity Checking: An Assigned-Signature Technique”, Proc. of the Int. Conf. “Automatics and Informatics’ 2000”, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 32-35.
23 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Fault Tolerance of Clock Synchronization Algorithms”, Proc. of the CompSysTech’ 2000, Sofia, June 2000, pp. II.2-1 – II.2-5.
24 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Implementation Aspects of Clock Synchronization Algorithm with Independent Adjustment in Distributed Systems”, International Scientific Conference “Communication, Electronic, and Computer Systems’ 2000”, Sofia, May 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 91-95.
25 E. Djambazova and K. Djambazov, “Clock Synchronization with Independent Adjustment in Distributed Systems: Simulation Results”, International Scientific Conference “Communication, Electronic, and Computer Systems’ 2000”, Vol. 2, pp. 96-101, Sofia, May 2000
26 E. Djambazova and K. Djambazov, “Clock Synchronization with Independent Adjustment in Distributed Time-Triggered Systems”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘99”, Oct. 1999, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 60-63.
27 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Modeling of Methods for Error Detection in Microprocessor Systems”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘99”, Oct. 1999, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 64-67.
28 E. Djambazova and K. Djambazov, “Clock Synchronization in Distributed Systems – Simulation Results”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘98”, 20-23 Oct. 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 29-32.
29 K. Djambazov and E. Djambazova, “Distributed Clocks’ Adjustment in Real-Time Systems”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘98”, 20-23 Oct. 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 33-36.
30 K. Djambazov and E. Ananieva, “Analytical Assessment of the Coverage Factor of Watchdog Timers”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘96”, 9-11 Oct. 1996, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 42-45.
31 K. Djambazov and E. Ananieva, “Control Systems with Modular Adaptability of the Fault Tolerance”, Proc. of the National Conference “Automatics and Informatics ‘95”, 7-9 Nov. 1995, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 247-250 (in Bulgarian).
32 K. Djambazov and E. Ananieva, “The Effect of Power Supply Reliability in Triple Modular Redundancy Systems”, in Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, Vol. 42, 1995, pp. 94-107.
33 K. Djambazov, P. Popov, and E. Ananieva, “Modelling of Design-Faults Tolerating Mechanisms”, SHIP Project Technical Report, May 1994.
34 K. Djambazov and E. Ananieva, “A Fault-Tolerant Controller with Modular Redundancy”, XXVIII Scientific Session – Communication, electronic, and computer systems, Technical University – Sofia, 21 May 1993, pp. 299 – 306 (in Bulgarian).

Fellowships, awards, and prizes

1 Member of the Association of Automation and Informatics “John Atanasov”
2 Expert in the Technical Committee 57 “Information and Communication Technologies” – the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization
3 Member of the Editorial Board of Proceedings of the ICCS – BAS