
Personal Information

First name, Surname: Irina Radeva
e-mail Irina.radeva@iict.bas.bg
Areas of interest: Decision Theory; Multi-Criteria Analysis & Optimization; Economic Clustering; Risk Management & Optimization; Fuzzy Sets Theory;  InterCriteria Analysis & Applications; Intelligent Systems; Decentralized Systems; Blockchain Technology and Applications: Blockchain security, Blockchain-enabled supply-chain, Blockchain-based platform development; Smart Agriculture and Crop Production: Smart crop production technologies, Intelligent agriculture techniques, Multicriteria decision-making in agriculture; Web Application Development and Platforms: Web application design and development, Platform architecture and optimization; Decentralized Systems and Network Security: Decentralized system implementation, Network security and risk management; Intelligent Assistants and AI Applications: Intelligent assistant technologies, AI applications in agriculture and supply chain; Data Management and Analysis: Big data utilization in agriculture and supply chain, Data modeling and analysis for decision-making; Blockchain Integration with Supply Chain: Blockchain-based supply chain modeling, Supply chain optimization using blockchain technology
Keywords Blockchain, Smart Crop Production, Platform Development, Big Data, Smart Contracts, Blockchain Security, IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), Ontology, Multicriteria Decision-Making, Intelligent Agriculture, Intelligent Assistants, Wallets, Risk Management, Blockchain-Enabled Supply Chain, Blockchain Oracles
Employment Organization: Institute of information and communication technology Organization
  City: Sofiа
  Region, State or County: Bulgaria
  Country or location: Bulgaria
Employment details Department: Intelligent systems
  Role/title: associate professor
  Start date: 2018
  End date:
Researcher unique identifier(s)
(ORCID, ResearcherID, etc.):


Scopus Author ID: 55649655800

ResearcherID: HTP-1282-2023

SciProfiles: 2897728

URL for personal website:  

Education and qualifications

1995 University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, Finance, – Economist
2012 Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria, Educational and scientific degree “Doctor”

Positions - current and previous

2017 to present Associate Professor, Intelligent Systems Department, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria
2017 – 2011 Chief Assistant, Intelligent Systems Department, Institute of Information Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria
2011 – 2007 Research Fellow I degree,  Intelligent Systems Department, Institute of Information Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria
2007 – 2004 Research Fellow II degree,  Soft Computing Department, Institute of Information Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria
2001 – 2010 Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Master’s programme, specializations “Financial Markets and Instruments” and “Money and Capital Markets”, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, Bulgaria
2004 – 2000 Research Fellow III degree,  Modelling and Optimization Department, Institute of Information Technologies – Bulgarian academy of sciences, Bulgaria


Year Project – Role
2021 – 2024 National Research Program “Smart crop production” approved by Decision of the Ministry Council No. 866/26.11.2020 – head of work package – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
2021 – 2024 National Research Program  „Integrative animal husbandry” – scientific team member – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
2019 – 2023  “BG PLANTNET establishment of national information network GeneBank – plant genetic resources”, project KP-06-N36 – scientific team member – Scientific Research Fund
2014 – 2017 „Intercriteria analysis – a new approach for decision making“ – Project under contract DFNI-I-02-5/14, between IBFBMI-BAS, BU “Asen Zlatarov” and IICT-BAS with the Ministry of Education and Science. – scientific team member – Scientific Research Fund
2012 – 2017 “Advanced Computing for Innovation” AComIn –FP7 Capacity Programme (Research Potential of Convergence Regions), Grant № 316087 (FP7-REGPOT-2012-2013-1). – scientific team member.
2008 – 2010 „Development of highly qualified young researchers in information technologies for knowledge processing and management“ – Project BG051PO001/07/3.3-02/7/17.06.2008 – scientific team member – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
2008 – 2010 “Communication devices in technical security systems” № 5IF-02-43/16.12.2008. – scientific team member  – Bulgarian small and medium enterprises Promotion agency (BSMEPA)
2008 – 2011 “Development of software and Internet-based applications for training in investment analysis and portfolio optimization – INPORT”, Research Project № DVU01/0031 with the Ministry of Education and Science (contract D002-140/15.12.2008 – DFNI – scientific team member – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science
2007 – 2009 “Innovative information technologies in the design of energy fields of propeller generators” № IF-00-04-163-1/28.12.2007. – scientific team member – Bulgarian small and medium enterprises Promotion agency (BSMEPA)
2007 – 2009 “Information technology for the assessment of investment attractiveness in structural integration of small and medium enterprises” – Project with the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises № IF-00-04-181-1/28.12.2007. – scientific team member – Bulgarian small and medium enterprises Promotion agency (BSMEPA)


1. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Immunisation of bond portfolio: construction technology. -In: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Theory of Antive Systems in two volumes. (19-21 November, 2001, Moscow, Russia). General Editorial Board – V.N. Burkov, D.A. Novikov. Moscow, Vol. II, IPU – RAN, 2001, 120-121. ISBN:5-201-09560-7. (in Russian)
2. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Financial Markets and Alternative Trading Systems. -In: Proceedings of the symposium with international participation “Information management of the enterprise”, University of Economics – Varna, University of Economics Varna, 2002, 26-32. (in Bulgarian)
3. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. An Investment Preference under Incomplete Data. -In: Proc.of IFAC DECOM-TT 2004: Automatic Systems for Building the Infrastructure in Developing Countries, Regional Aspects, Bansko, Bulgaria, October 3-5, 2004, 37, 19, 2004, ISSN:14746670, 243-248.
4. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Study of yield characteristics and price sensitivity of fixed income bonds. -In: Proceedings of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, III, Plovdiv University “P. University of Plovdiv, Plovdiv Hilendarski University, 2004, 5-38. (in Bulgarian)
5. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Bond portfolio management: analysis and application of the multi-period immunization model. -In: Economic Thought, 4, Institute of Economic Research – BAS, 2004, 28-44. (in Bulgarian)  https://www.iki.bas.bg/spisanie-ikonomicheska-misal
6. Radeva, I. Bankruptcy Prediction Models. Automation and Informatics, 2, John Atanasoff Union of Automation and Informatics, 2004, 7-10. (in Bulgarian)
7. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Decision Support System for Investment Preference Evaluation under conditions of Incomplete Information. – In: Proceedings Third International Conference Information Research, Application and Education “i.tech”, 27 – 30 June 2005, Varna, Foi-commercs, Sofia, Varna, 2005, 189-190.
8. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Immunization – Asset and Liability Management Strategy. -In: Yearbook of the Department of Economics and Business Administration – Methodology, Interdisciplinarity, Analyses, Strategies, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2005, 118-145. ISBN:954-535-329-5 (in Bulgarian)

Popchev, P., I. Radeva. A Decision Support Method for Investment Preference Evaluation.. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 6, 1, 2006, ISSN:1311-9702, 3-16   Национално академично издателство


10. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. MAP-Cluster: An Approach for Latent Cluster Identification.. IFAC CEFIS 2007: Synergy of Computational Economics and Financial and Industrial Systems – Istanbul, November 2007, 2007, 63-67.

Popchev, I., Radeva, I. Multicriteria Scheme for MAP-Cluster Identification. -: Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 58, Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS, 2007, ISSN:0204-9848, 3-12.


12. Radeva, I., T. Naneva. Identifying economic clusters. Concepts and methods. -Automatics and Informatics, 61, 4, 2007, 41-44. ISSN:0861-7562. (In Bulgarian)
13. Radeva, I., T. Naneva. Identification of economic clusters. Concepts and methods. – In:  Economics Journal, 3, 2007, 56-59. (In Bulgarian)
14. Radeva, I. Multi-stage procedure for investment preference assessment. -In: Proceedings “Financial Innovations”, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 2007, 135-154. ISBN:978-954-535-502-8. (In Bulgarian)
15. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Briefly about the capabilities of credit derivatives. -In: Research and Practice, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2008, 115-134. ISBN:978-954-535-502-8. (In Bulgarian)
16. Radeva, I. Multi-stage procedure for investment preference evaluation. -In: Financial Innovations – Research and Practice, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2008, 135-155. ISBN:978-954-535-502-8. (In Bulgarian)
17. Radeva, I., Atanasova, T., Naneva, T.. Fuzzy Estimation of Investment Preferences within Horizontal Integration. -In: Proceeding of International Conference Automatics and informatics’09, 29.09 – 04.10.2009, Sofia, SAI, 2009, V-1-V. ISSN:1313-1850.
18. Radeva, I. Using a System of Balanced Indicators in Multi-criteria Assessment of Investment Attractiveness. -In: Scientific and Practical Conference “Corporate Finance Today and Tomorrow” (Sofia, 28-29 September 2009), New Bulgarian University, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2009, 162-175. (In Bulgarian)
19. Radeva, I. An Approach to Strategic Integration in Economic Clustering. -In: International Conference automatics and informatics’10, Sofia October 3 – 7.2010, 2010, II-385-II-388. ISSN:1313-1850.

Radeva, I. Strategic Integration with MAP-CLUSTER Software System. -: Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Vol. 2, No. 2, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2010, 78-93. Print ISSN: 1311-9702, Online ISSN: 1314-4081. SJR:0.2


21. Popchev, I., T. Stoilov, K. Tenekedzhiev, K. Stoilova, N. Nikolova, Z. Ivanova, I. Radeva, E. Trichkova, B. Stoyanov, Ch. Bechev, M. Polimerov, N. Dzhedev, V. Zhelev. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Optimization, IK MORE – Varna, 2010, 94-134. ISBN:978-954-97722-13-0. (In Bulgarian)
22. Radeva, I. Decision making for SME selection in integration on a given technological network. -In: International Conference “Automation and Informatics’11”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2011, 239-242. ISSN:1313-1850. (In Bulgarian)
23. Radeva, I. Approach for SME selection in horizontal integration of cluster structures under uncertainty. -In: Proceedings of the conference with international participation Corporate Finance in the Formative Markets, New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2011, 49-72. ISBN:978-954-535-679-7. (In Bulgarian)
24. Radeva, I. Economic Cluster Design. -Automatics and Informatics, John Atanasov Union of Automatics and Informatics (SAI) to the Federation of Scientific and Technical Unions in Bulgaria, No. 4, SAI, 2011, 48-52. Print ISSN:0861-7562. (In Bulgarian)
25. Radeva, I. Application of fuzzy set theory in economic clustering selection problems. -In: Corporate Finance in Emerging Markets. Research and Practice., New Bulgarian University – Sofia, 2012, 186-217. ISBN:978-954-535. (In Bulgarian)
26. Radeva, I. Multi-Criteria Models for Cluster Design. -In: Cybernetics and Information Tehnologies, Vol.13, No.1, 2013, 18-33. Print ISSN: 1311-9702; Online ISSN: 1314-4081 DOI: 10.2478/cait-2013-0003. SJR:0.172 https://cit.iict.bas.bg/CIT_2013/v13-1/Radeva.pdf
27. Radeva, I. Decision-Making Models in Cluster Structures Design. Dissertation Abstracts, IICT – BAS, No. 1, 23-62, 2013. ISSN:1314-6351. (In Bulgarian) https://www.iict.bas.bg/dissertations/2013/1_2013_I_Radeva.pdf
28. Radeva, I. Synergy Evaluation in Economic Clusters. Approaches and solutions. -In: The Third Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation of the NBU on “Corporate Finance in the Emerging Markets – Theory and Practice” NBU, Sofia, 09 and 10 September 2013, NBU – Sofia, 2013. (In Bulgarian)
29. Radeva, I. Synergy in clusters: Approaches to evaluation. -In: Proc. of the International Workshop on Advanced Control and Optimisation: Step Ahead – ACOSA, 8-10 May, 2014, Bankya, Bulgaria, 2014, 4-10. ISSN:1314-4634.
30. Radeva, I. Business Clusters and Management. -Technosphere, 2, 24, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Publishing House “Prof. ISSN:1313-3861. (In Bulgarian)
31. Radeva, I. Assessment of the Synergy of Clusters in the Economy. -Economic Thought, issue 2, Institute of Economics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014, 100-116. ISSN:0013-2993. (In Bulgarian) https://www.iki.bas.bg/Journals/EconomicThought/2014/2014-2/ik.%20misal%202-2014-06.pdf
32. Mavrov, D., I. Radeva, K. Atanassov, L. Doukovska, I. Kalaykov. InterCriteria Software Design: Graphic Interpretation within the Intuitionistic Fuzzy Triangle. -In: Proc. of the International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design – BMSD’15, Milan, Italy, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, 2015, 279-283. ISBN:978-989-758-111-3. https://is-bmsd.org/Documents/ProceedingsOfFifthBMSD.pdf
33. Valkanov, V., A. Stoyanova-Doycheva, S. Doychev, S. Stoyanov, I. Popchev, I. Radeva. AjTempura –First Software Prototype of C3A Model. -In: Proc. of the 7th IEEE International Conference Intelligent Systems IS’2014, September 24–26, 2014, Warsaw, Poland, Vol.1: Mathematical Foundations, Theory, Analyses. Senies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing., 322, 427-434, 1, Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015 427 P. Angelov et al. (eds.), Intelligent Systems’2014, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 322, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11313-5_38. ISBN:978-3-319-11312-5, ISSN:2194-5357. https://iict.bas.bg/acomin/docs/sci-forums/24-28-Sept-2014/paper-4.pdf
34. Atanassova, V., L. Doukovska, A. Michalíková, I. Radeva. Intercriteria analysis: From pairs to triples. -In: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 22, 5, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2016, 98-110. Print ISSN 1310-4926, Online ISSN 2367-8283. DOI: 10.7546/nifs. http://ifigenia.org/wiki/Issue:Intercriteria_analysis:_From_pairs_to_triples

Doukovska, L., V. Atanassova, D. Mavrov, I. Radeva InterCriteria Analysis of EU Competitiveness Using the Level Operator N γ. Chapter of Book: Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Series: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 641, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2017, 631-647. ISSN:2194-5357, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-66830-7_56. SJR (Scopus):0.174 Q4 (Scopus)


36. Radeva, I. Multicriteria Fuzzy Sets Application in Economic Clustering Problems. -: Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol. 17, No. 3, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2017, 29-46. Print ISSN: 1311-9702; Online ISSN: 1314-4081 DOI: 10.1515/cait-2017-0028. https://cit.iict.bas.bg/CIT_2017/v-17-3/02_paper.pdf
37. Zaharieva, B., L. Doukovska, S. Ribagin, I. Radeva. InterCriteria Approach to Behtetrev’s Disease Analysis. -In: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, 23, 2, Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House, 2017, 119-127. Print ISSN 1310-4926, Online ISSN 2367-8283. DOI: 10.7546/nifs. http://ifigenia.org/wiki/Issue:InterCriteria_approach_to_Behterev%27s_disease_analysis
38. Zaharieva, B., L. Doukovska, S. Ribagin, A. Michalíková, I. Radeva. InterCriteria Analysis of Behterev’s Kinesitherapy Program. -In: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 23, 2017, No. 3, 69–80. Print ISSN 1310–4926, Online ISSN 2367–8283. DOI: 10.7546/nifs. http://ifigenia.org/images/d/df/NIFS-23-3-69-80.pdf
39. Atanassova, V., L. Doukovska, G. De Tré, I. Radeva. Intercriteria analysis and comparison of innovation-driven and efficiency-to-innovation driven economies in the European Union. -In: Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2017, 54-68. Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House. Print ISSN 1310-4926, Online ISSN 2367-8283. DOI: 10.7546/nifs. http://ifigenia.org/wiki/Issue:Intercriteria_analysis_and_comparison_of_innovation-driven_and_efficiency-to-innovation_driven_economies_in_the_European_Union
40. Doukovska, L., V. Atanassova, E. Sotirova, I. Vardeva, I. Radeva. Defining Consonance Thresholds in InterCriteria Analysis: An Overview. Chapter of Book: Intuitionistic Fuzziness and Other Intelligent Theories and Their Applications, Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 757, 2019, 161-179. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2018, ISBN:978-3-319-78930-9, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-78931-6_11. SJR (Scopus):0.187   Q4 (Scopus) https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85049377360&origin=resultslist&sort=plf-f&src=s&st1=10.1007%2f978-3-319-78931-6_11&st2=&sid=c398ea96e1f73afc9e795ff68ab54ae4&sot=b&sd
41. Atanassova, V., L. Doukovska, A. Kacprzyk, E. Sotirova, I. Radeva, P. Vassilev. Intercriteria Analysis of The Global Competitiveness Report: from Efficiency-to-Innovation-Driven Economies. -In: Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 31, 5-6, Old City Publishing, 2018, ISSN:1542-3980, 469-494. JCR-IF (Web of Science):0.667   Q4 (Web of Science) https://www.oldcitypublishing.com/journals/mvlsc-home/mvlsc-issue-contents/mvlsc-volume-31-number-5-6-2018/
42. Ribagin, S, B. Zaharieva, I. Radeva, T. Pencheva.. Generalized Net Model of Proximal Humeral Fractures Diagnosing. -In: International Journal Bioautomation, 22, 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2018, ISSN:1314-1902, DOI:10.7546/ijba.2018.22.1.11-20, 11-20. SJR (Scopus):0.231   Q3 (Scopus) https://biomed.bas.bg/bioautomation/2018/vol_22.1/files/22.1_02.pdf

Toskova, A., B. Toskov, L. Doukovska, B. Daskalov, I. Radeva. Neural Networks in the Intelligent Educational Space. -In: Proc. of the IEEE International Workshop on Advances in Neural Networks and Applications – ANNA 2018, VDE VERLAG GMBH, Berlin, IEEEXplore, 2018, ISBN:978-3-8007-4756-6, 107-112.


44. Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Risk Analysis – an Instrument for Technology Selection. -In: Engineering Sciences, Institute of Metal Scienses, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Academician Angel Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, LVI, 2019, No. 4, 5-20. ISSN:1312-5702 (Print), 2603-3542 (Online), DOI:10.7546/EngSci.LV.19.04.01. http://es.ims.bas.bg/indexx.htm
45. Попчев, И., И. Радева. Новата парадигма и рискът в релацията “човек – цифрова среда”. -В: Списание на Българската академия на науките, бр. 5, 2019, 72-77. Издателство на БАН “Проф. Марин Дринов”, 2019, ISSN:0007-3989. http://journ.bas.bg
46. Попчев, И., И. Радева. Четвъртата индустриална революция и новите рискове. -В: Техносфера, 44, 2, Издателство на БАН “Проф. Марин Дринов”, 2019, 69-73. ISSN:1313-3861.

Todorov, Y, I. Popchev, I. Radeva. Personal Assistant Architecture in Virtual Educational Space. -In: Journal “Information Technologies and Control”, 2, John Atanassov Society of Automatics and Informatics, 2019, ISSN:2367-5357, DOI:DOI: 10.7546/itc-2019-0006, 20-26.



Popchev, I., I. Radeva. Decision Making Model for Disruptive Technologies in Agriculture. -In: Proc. of the 10-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems – IS’20, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEEXplore, 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-5456-5, ISSN:1541-1672, DOI:10.1109/IS48319.2020.9199962, 258-264.



Zaharieva, B., L. Doukovska, S. Ribagin, I. Radeva. InterCriteria Analysis of Data Obtained from Patients with Behterev’s Disease. -: International Journal Bioautomation, 2020, 24 (1), 5-14. Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2020. ISSN:1314-1902, DOI:10.7546/ijba.2020.24.1.000507 SJR (Scopus):0.267   Q3 (Scopus)



Stoyanova-Doycheva, A., V. Ivanova, T. Glushkova, S. Stoyanov, I. Radeva. Dynamic Generation of Cultural Routes in a Tourist Guide. -In: International Journal of Computing, (Editor-in-Chief: A. Sachenko), 19, 1, Research Institute of Intelligent Computer Systems, 2020, 39-48. ISSN:1727-6209. SJR (Scopus):0.291   Q3 (Scopus)


51. Todorov, Y., I. Popchev, I. Radeva. Personal Assistant Architecture in Virtual Educational Space. -In: Journal “Information Technologies and Control”, 2, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2020, 20-26. ISSN:1312-2622, DOI:10.7546/itc-2019-0009. http://www.aksyst.com:8081/Sai/Journal/Docum/Vol_2_04_2019.pdf
52. Valkanov, V., M. Petrov, D. Rusev, I. Radeva, I. Modelling Distributed Fault-Tolerant High Availability Storage Cluster Based on Block-Chain Concepts for Tracking Scientific-Research Progress. -In: Proc. of the 10-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems – IS’20, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-5456-5, ISSN:1541-1672, DOI:10.1109/IS48319.2020.9199980, 590-595. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9199980
53. lieva, G., T. Yankova, I. Radeva, I. Popchev. Blockchain Software Selection as a Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Problem. -: Computers, 10, 10, MDPI , ST ALBAN-ANLAGE 66, BASEL, SWITZERLAND, CH-4052, 2021, ISSN:2073-431X, DOI:10.3390/computers10100120, 1-24. SJR (Scopus):0.404   Q2 (Scopus) https://www.mdpi.com/2073-431X/10/10/120
54. Popchev, I., I. Radeva, I. Nikolova. Aspects of the evolution from risk management to enterprise global risk management. – In: Engineering sciences, LVII, 1, Institute of Metal Sciences, Equipment and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Academician Angel Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2021, 16-30. ISSN:1312-5702 (Print), ISSN:2603-3542 (Online), DOI:10.7546/EngSci LVIII.21.01.02. http://eprints.nbu.bg/id/eprint/4350/1/Popchev,%20Radeva,%20Nikolova%20Aspects%20of%20the%20Evolution%20from%20Risk%20Management%20to%20Enterprise%20Global%20Risk%20Management.pdf
55. I. Popchev, I. Radeva, and V. Velichkova, Blockchains in Enterprise Global Risk Management. International IEEE Conference Automatics and Informatics 2021 (ICAI’21), IEEE Xplore, 30 September–2 October, 2021, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2021, 282-287. doi:10.1109/ICAI52893.2021.9639500. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9639500
56. Popchev, I., I. Radeva and V. Velichkova. The impact of blockchain on internal audit. Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE), 2021, pp. 1-8, doi:10.1109/BdKCSE53180.2021.9627276. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9627276
57. Stoyanova-Doycheva, A., Ivanova, V., Doukovska, L., Tabakova-Komsalova, V., Radeva, I., Danailova, S. Architecture of a Knowledge Base in Smart Crop Production. Proceedings of the International Conference Automatics and Informatics – ICAI’21, 30 September-2 October 2021, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2021, 305-309. DOI:10.1109/ICAI52893.2021.9639874. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9639874
58. Krasteva, I., T. Glushkova, A. Stoyanova-Doycheva, N. Moralivska, L. Doukovska and I. Radeva, Blockchain-based approach to supply chain modeling in a smart farming system. 2021 Big Data, Knowledge and Control Systems Engineering (BdKCSE), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi:10.1109/BdKCSE53180.2021.9627309. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9627309
59. Radeva, I. Blockchains: practical approaches. – Engineering Sciences, LIX, 2022, No. 1. P. p. 3-23. ISSN:1312-5702 (Print) 2603-3542 (Online), DOI:10.7546/EngSci LVIII.21.01.02 http://es.ims.bg/indexx.htm
60. Radeva, I., I. Popchev. Blockchain-Enabled Supply-Chain in Crop Production Framework. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 22, 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2022, ISSN:1311-9702 (Print), 1314-4081 (Online), DOI:10.2478/cait-2022-0010, 151-170. SJR (Scopus):0.272   Q2 (Scopus) https://cit.iict.bas.bg/CIT-2022/v-22-1/10341-Volume22_Issue_1-10_paper.pdf
61. Popchev, I., L. Doukovska, I. Radeva. A framework of blockchain/IPFS-based platform for smart crop production. – In: 2022 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2022, pp. 265-270, doi:10.1109/ICAI55857.2022.9960070. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9960070
62 Popchev, I., L. Doukovska, I. Radeva. A Prototype of Blockchain/Distributed File System Platform. -In: 2022 IEEE 11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), Warsaw, Poland, 2022, pp. 1-7, doi:10.1109/IS57118.2022.10019715. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10019715
63. Popchev, I., I. Radeva, V. Velichkova. Auditing blockchain smart contracts. – In: 2022 International Conference Automatics and Informatics (ICAI), 2022, pp. 276-281, doi:10.1109/ICAI55857.2022.9960058. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9960058
64. Popchev, I., Radeva, I., Doukovska, L. Oracles Integration in Blockchain-Based Platform for Smart Crop Production Data Exchange. -In: Electronics 2023, 12, 2244. https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/12/10/2244