
Personal Information

First name, Surname:

Stefan Koynov



Areas of interest:

Text processing


Text processing, information technologies, intelligent systems



Organization IICT-BAS


City Sofia


Region, State or County Sofia district


Country or location Bulgaria

Employment details

Department Intelligent Systems


Role/title text processing, graph editor


Start date March 18, 1986


End date for now

Researcher unique identifier(s)
(ORCID, ResearcherID, etc.):

URL for personal website:

Education and qualifications


Faculty/department – University/institution – Country


Technical University – Sofia, Bulgaria

Projects Research Projects




Intelligent Diagnostics and Decision-Making in Technological Processes. Agreement of UCTM, IIT-BAS, TU-Varna, Moscow State University (MSU) and “Inovatics” Ltd. with Ministry of Education and Science (MES) No. TK01/485


Dynamic Ontologies in Multi-Agent Information and Control Systems. Agreement of UCTM, IIT-BAS and Institute for Philosophical Research – BAS (IFR-BAS) with MES No. VU-TN-204


Methods and Tools in Distributed Intelligent Systems. Agreement with IIT-BAS


Multi-Agent Softsensing Agreement with MES No. TH 1408/04


Neural Networks for Classification, Identification and Control. Agreement with IIT-BAS


Multilayer Neural Networks: Topology, Training, and Applications. Agreement with IIT-BAS


Neural Networks for Classification: Theoretical Research and Applied Aspects. Agreement with MES

Projects Participation in Joint International Research and Educational Projects


Project – Role


Theoretical and Experimental Research of Processes in Interactive Management of Dynamic Logistics Networks with the Use of Radio Frequency Identification Technologies and Mobile Information Technologies. Agreement with St. Petersburg Institute of Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPIIRAS), St. Petersburg


Elaboration and Development of the Theory and Technologies of Multi-Agent Systems Regarding the Solution of Problems of Monitoring, Modeling and Management of Complex Technical-Technological, Organizational, Business and Educational Systems. Agreement with SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg


Elaboration of Model-Algorithmic Provision of Management Processes for Complex Undefined Objects with Dynamically Changing Structures; Implementation of These Methods in the Synthesis of Disaster-Resistant Information Systems. Agreement with SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg


Development of Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Decision-Making Methods to Control the Goal-Directed Behavior of Complex Systems. Agreement with the Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISA-RAS), Moscow


Intelligent Agents and Applications in Information Technology. Agreement with the Slovak Academy of Sciences


Modeling and Intelligent Control of Complex Systems. Agreement with SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg


Elaboration of Methods and Software Tools for Modeling and Management of Large Systems Based on Multi-Criteria Decision Making and Artificial Intelligence. Agreement with ISA-RAS


Hybrid Intelligent Modeling. Agreement with the Slovak Academy of Sciences


Methods and Algorithms for Analysis and Design of Distributed Information Networks. Agreement with the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP-RAS)


Methods and Tools for Decision Making. Agreement with SPIIRAS, St. Petersburg


Methods for Nonlinear Control of Electrically Powered Robots Using Visual Information. Joint Topic with the Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics at the University of the Province of Catalonia, Spain



1 Hadjiski, M., S. Koynov (2022). 100 Years of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Controller, Journal of Automatica and Informatics, 3, 2022, 5-11 (in Bulgarian).
2 Kaltenborn, R., M. Hadjiski, S. Koynov (2022). Stimuli-Based Control of Negative Emotions in a Digital Learning Environment. Sgurev V., Jotsov V., Kacprzyk J. (Eds.), Chapter of Book: Advances in Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation, Series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 379, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 2022, ISBN:978-3-030-78123-1, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-78124-8_18, 385-416.
3 Sgurev, V., St. Drangajov, S. Koynov (2020). Optimal Opencast Mining Traffic Management by Circulation in a Generalized Two-Product Network Flow with Risk Function, Collection of reports of the national scientific and technical conference with international participation “Automation in the mining industry and metallurgy” – BULKAMK ’20, November 19, Sofia, Bulgaria, FSEU, 2020, ISSN:1314-4537, 12-17 (in Bulgarian).
4 Kaltenborn, R., M. Hadjiski, S. Koynov (2020). Intelligent Control of Negative Emotions in a Computer-Based Learning System. Proc. of the 10-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems – IS’20, Varna, Bulgaria, IEEE Xplore, 2020, ISBN:978-1-7281-5456-5, ISSN:1541-1672, DOI:10.1109/IS48319.2020.9200190, 119-124.
5 Hadjiski, M., R. Kaltenborn, S. Koynov (2019). Incorporating the Basic Whitehead’s Educational Concepts in an Intelligent Learning System. Ed. Mihail Weber, D/2019/11.353/1, Les editions Chromatika, Imprimée en Belgique, 2019, ISBN:978-2-930517-60-5, 63-86.
6 Korsemov, Ch., S. Koynov, H. Toshev (2018). An Approach to Training Artificial Neural Networks with Genetic Algorithms. Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 70, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2018, ISSN:0204-9848, 3-11.
7 Hadjiski, M., S. Koynov (2018). Assessment of the Risk of Degradation of Industrial Objects. Proceedings of the XXIV International Symposium “Management of Energy, Industrial and Environmental Systems”, Federation of the Scientific Engineering Uunions, Union of Automation and Informatics “John Atanasov”, 2018, ISSN: 1313-2237, 15-17 (in Bulgarian).
8 Hadjiski, M., N. Christova, S. Kojnov (2017). Pellets Production Improving Using Sequential Optimization, ХХV International Symposium „Management of Thermal Energy Objects and Systems (MTEOS)”, Union of Automation and Informatics “John Atanasov”, 2017, ISSN:1313-2237, 15-20.
9 Hadjiski, M., L. Doukovska, M. Nikolov, S. Koynov (2016). Intelligent Multi-Soft Sensing for Flame Position of Steam Boilers, Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 16, 1, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, 2016, ISSN:1311-9702, DOI:10.1515/cait-2016-0013, 158-172.
10 Doukovska, L., S. Koynov (2014). Possibilities for Applications of the Model-Based Predictive Control in thermal Power Plants, Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics, Automation and Mechatronics – RAM’14, Sofia, Bulgaria, Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House, 2014, ISSN:1314-4634, 5-11.
11 Doukovska, L., M. Nikolov, S. Koynov (2014). Intelligent Hybrid Multisensor System Application for a Steam Generator Furnace Chamber Torch Positioning Control, Journal Automatica & Informatics, 3, 2014, ISSN:0861-7562, 27-35.
12 Hadjiski, M., L. Doukovska, S. Koynov, V. Monov, V. Nikov (2014). Significance of the Predictive Maintenance Strategies for SMEs. Proc. of the International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design – BMSD’14, Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, 2014, ISBN:978-989-758-032-1, DOI:10.5220/0005427102760281, 276-281.
13 Hadjiski, M., K. Boshnakov, S. Koynov (2014). Load Management of a Grinding Fan Based on Prediction of Its Remaining Service Life, ХХІІ International Symposium “Management of Energy, Industrial and Environmental Systems”, May 8-9, 2014, Bankya, 2014, ISSN 1313-2237, 89-94 (in Bulgarian).
14 Hadjiski М., К. Boshnakov, S. Koynov (2014). Decision Making for Predictive  Maintenance with Case-Based Reasoning, Proceedings of the International  Conference on Automatica and Informatics’14, М. Petrov Ed., October 1-3, 2014, ISSN 1313- 1650, 2014, рр. 1-239 ¸ 1-242.
15 Hadjiski М., К. Boshnakov, S. Koynov (2014). Optimization of Operational Impacts а  Predicitve Maintenance on Cooper Converters, Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatica and Informatics’14, М. Petrov Ed., October 1-3, 2014, ISSN:1313-1650, 2014, рр. I-243 ¸ 1-246.
16 Hadjiski М., N. Christova, К. Boshnakov, S. Koynov (2014). Strategy Choice for Integrated  Management of Pellet Manufacturing, Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatica and Informatics’14, М. Petrov Ed., October 1-3, 2014, ISSN 1313-1650, 2014, рр. 1-247 ¸ 1-251.
17 Hadjiski М., К. Boshnakov, S. Koynov (2014). Control of Milling Fan Load on the Base of Residual Useful Life Prediction, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Advanced Control and Optimisation: Step Ahead – ACOSA, May 8-10, 2014, Bankya,  Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-4634, 2014, 75-82.
18 Koynov S., L. Doukovska (2014). Building а Strategy for Predictive Maintenance in а  Functioning SME, Journal Automatica & Informatics, Year XLVI, ISSN 0861-7562, №4, 2014, 29-35 (in Bulgarian).
19 Koynov, S., L. Doukovska (2013). Building a Strategy for Predictive Maintenance in a Functioning SME, Journal Automatica & Informatics, 4, 2013, ISSN:0861-7562, 29-35.
20 Koynov, S., L. Doukovska (2013). An Integrated Approach to Predictive Maintenance in SMEs, 21st International Symposium “Management of Thermal Power Facilities and Systems”, Bankya, Bulgaria, 2013, ISSN: 1313-2237, 55-59 (in Bulgarian).
21 Boshnakov, K., L. Doukovska, E. Mihailov, V. Petkov, S. Vassileva, S. Koynov (2013). Predictive Maintenance Model-Based Approach for Objects Exposed to Extremely High Temperatures, Proceedings of the Signal Processing Symposium – SPS’13, Jachranka Village, Poland, IEEEXplore, 2013, ISBN:978-1-4673-6319-8-13- 2013, DOI:10.1109/SPS.2013.6623621, CD Proc.
22 Hadjiski,M., L.Doukovska, S. Koynov (2012). Nonlinear Trend Analysis of Mill Fan System Vibrations for Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics, International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications (JET), V.58, 4, Versita, Warsaw, Poland, 2012, ISBN:ISSN 0867-6747, DOI:DOI 10.2478/v10177-012-0048-9, 6.
23 Doukovska, L., S. Koynov (2012). An Example of a Hybrid Intelligent Approach Applicable in the Analysis of a Power System, 20th International Symposium “Management of Thermal Power Facilities and Systems”, Bankya, Bulgaria, 2012, ISSN: 1313-2237, 103-106 (in Bulgarian)
24 Koynov, S., L. Doukovska (2012). An example of the Application of Intelligent Techniques in the Preparation of a Forecast for the Load of an Energy System. 20th International Symposium “Management of Thermal Power Plants and Systems”, Bankya, Bulgaria, 2012, ISSN:1313-2237, 107-110 (in Bulgarian).
25 Hadjiski, M., L. Doukovska, S. Koynov (2012). Nonlinear Trend Analysis of Mill Fan System Vibrations for Predictive Maintenance and Diagnostics. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications (JET), V.58, 4, Versita, Warsaw, Poland, 2012, ISSN:0867-6747, DOI:10.2478/v10177-012-0048-9, 351-356.
26 Koynov, S., L. Doukovska (2011). Diagnostics of Grinding Fans, 19th International Symposium “Management of Thermal Power Plants and Systems”, Bankya, Bulgaria, 2011, ISSN:1313-2237, 21-24 (in Bulgarian).
27 Boshnakov, K., V. Petkov, L. Doukovska, D. Borissova, S. Kojnov (2011). Approaches for Diagnostic and Predictive Maintenance, SPS in Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Procedures of SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA, vol. 8008, Article CID Number 80081Z, ISSN 0277-786X, ISBN 9780819472358, doi:10.1117/12.905182, pp. 80081Z-1 ¸ 80081Z-9.
28 Boshnakov, K., V. Petkov, L. Doukovska, D. Borissova, S. Kojnov (2011). Approaches for Diagnostic and Predictive Maintenance, SPS in Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Proceedings of SPIE, 8-10 June, Poland, Jachranka, Ed. R.S.Romaniuk, 23-29 May 2011, Wilga, Poland.
29 Hadjiski, M., L. Doukovska, S. Kojnov, D. Kamenov (2011). Nonlinear Trend Analysis for Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance, SPS in Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High-Energy Physics Experiments, Proceedings of SPIE, 8-10 June, Poland, Jachranka, Ed. R.S.Romaniuk, 23-29 May 2011, Wilga, Poland.
30 Hadjiski, M., K. Boshnakov, V. Petkov, E. Mikhailov, G,. Ruzhekov, M. Bozhkova S. Koynov (2011). Training in Diagnostics of Thermal Objects by Combining Mathematical Modeling and Thermography, Journal of Automatica & Informatics, Year XLV, No. 1, ISSN 0861-7562, 72 ¸ 74 (in Bulgarian).
31 Hristov, N., N.Tontchev, S.Koynov (2011). Optimal Decisions, Improving the Quality of the Fettled Surface for Apriori Given Thickness of the Built-up by Welding Layer, Journal of the Technical University – Sofia, Plovdiv Branch, Bulgaria, Fundamental Sciences and Applications, Vol. 16, Book 2, 2011, Based on the Conference with International Participation “Engineering, Technologies and Systems TechSys 2011”, May 26-28, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, ISSN 1310-8271, 191 ¸ 194.
32 Koynov, S. (2011). Network Control Systems, Journal of Automatica & Informatics, Year XLV, No. 2, ISSN 0861-7562, 21 ¸ 25 (in Bulgarian).
33 Toshev, H., S. Koynov, Ch. Korsemov (2008). Genetic Algorithms for Optimal Cutting Panes of Glass, International Scientific Conference “Computer Science’2008”, Kavala, Greece.
34 Toshev, H. I., S. L. Koynov, Ch. D. Korsemov (2008). Application of Genetic Algorithms for Effective Choice of Information, Proceedings of the XLIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2008, (Editor Milovanovich, B.), Nish, Serbia, Vol. 2, 588-591.
35 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov (2008). Non-Linear Network-Flow Model of Łukasiewicz’s Multivalue Logic, International Book Series, Information Science & Computing, Book 1 – Algorithms and Mathematical Foundations of the Artificial Intelligence, International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” KDS 2008, I-st Part: June 23-July 03, 2008, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 9-13.
36 Sgurev, V., S.Kojnov (2008). Modern Trends in the Intelligent Supervisory Control for Power Plants, Procedures of the XIII Symposium of SAI with International Participation “Control of Thermal Power Plants and Systems”, November 14-15, 2008, Stara Zagora, 13-19.
37 Christova, N., S.Kojnov (2007). Intelligent Agents, Ontologies and Production Management. State-of-the-art and Trends, Automatica and Informatics, 4, 2007, 3-9 (in Bulgarian).
38 Hadjiski, M., V. Sgurev, S. Kojnov (2007). Dynamics of Power Plant Including Logical Elements, Proceedings of the XII Symposium of SAI with International Participation “Control of Thermal Power Plants and Systems”, November 2-4, 2007, Stara Zagora, 53-56.
39 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov (2007). Rule Based Control of Emergent Situations in Thermal Power Plants, Proceedings of the XII Symposium of SAI with International Participation “Control of Thermal Power Plants and Systems”, November 2-4, 2007, Stara Zagora, 39-42.
40 Sgurev, V., R.Yussupov (2006). The Innovation Potential in Bulgaria: State-of-the-Art and Problems, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics.
41 Sgurev, V., I. Lalov, S. Kojnov (2006). Some Characteristics of Computer Systems for Operative Dispatcher Control in Opencast Mines, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics.
42 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov, (2006). Some Problems of Development for Logical and Ontological Structures, Proceedings of International Workshop “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks DCCN 2006” (V. Vishnevsky, Hr. Daskalova, Eds.), October 30-November 2, 2006, Moscow, 137-148.
43 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov (2006). Some Problems with Innovations in Bulgaria, Proceedings of International Workshop “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks DCCN 2006” (V. Vishnevsky, Hr. Daskalova, Eds.), Sofia, Bulgaria, October 30-November 2, 2006, Moscow, 132-136.
44 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov, V.Jotsov (2005). Quantitative Estimates of the State of the Information Society in Bulgaria, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 55, 3-7.
45 Jotsov, V. S., S. L. Kojnov, V. S. Sgurev, (2005). Configuring Multiagent Systems for Softsen-sing Processing in Industrial and Other Environments, Proceedings of International Work-shop “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks DCCN 2005” (V. Vishnevsky, Hr. Daskalova, Eds.), Sofia, Bulgaria, April 23-29, 139-152.
46 Sgurev, V., S. Kojnov, V. Jotsov (2005). Fast Preprocessing Methods and Their Applications in Multi-Agent Systems, Proceedings of International Workshop “Distributed Computer and Communication Networks DCCN 2005” (V. Vishnevsky, Hr.Daskalova, Eds.), Sofia, Bulgaria, April 23-29, 51-68.
47 Kojnov, S., V. Jotsov, V. Sgurev (2005). Defeasible Inference in Intelligent Agents of BDI Type, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, 55, 90-102.
48 Sgurev V., V. Jotsov, S. Kojnov (2004). Information-Communication Technologies and Competitiveness in Some Eastern-European Countries, Preprints of Int. IFAC Workshop ‘Automatic Systems for Building the Infrastructure in Developing Countries’ (V. Sgurev, G. Dimirovski and M. Hadjiski, Eds.), Bansko, Bulgaria, October 3-5, 157-162.
49 Kojnov S., V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov (2004). The Design Process of Intelligent Agents as Parallel Elaboration, Procedures of the 2nd International Conference ‘Intelligent Systems’ (R. Yager, V. Sgurev, Eds.), Varna, Bulgaria, June 22-24, V. 1, 267-272.
50 Gumnerov, Kr., S.Koynov (2003). On a New Approach for Proximity and Classification of Text Documents, 28th International Conference “Information and Communication Technologies and Programming” ICT&P 2003, Varna, Bulgaria, June 23-25, 2003, Proceedings, FOI-COMMERCE, SOFIA-2003, 96-105.
51 Toshev, H. I., Ch. D. Korsemov, S. L. Koynov (2003). Artificial Neural Networks-Training – Errors, Convergence and Genetic Approaches, Proceedings of the XXXVIII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2003, 16-18 October 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria, 311-313.
52 Toshev, H., Ch. Korsemov, S. Koynov (2003). Multilayer Evolutionary Models of the Artificial Neural Networks, Proceedings of the International Conference “Automatica and Informatics ‘03”, October 6-8, 2003, Sofia, Bulgaria, 71-74.
53 Korsemov, Ch., Hr. Toshev, S. Koynov (2003). Multilayer Models, Learning of The Artificial Neural Networks and Industrial Tasks, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Eng. and Research SAER-2002, September 20-22, 2002, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort, 231-235.
54 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2002). The Artificial Neural Networks In The Context Of The Modern Tendencies In The Evolutionary Computing, Problems Of Engineering Cybernetics And Robotics, V. 52, Sofia, 2001, 43-50.
55 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2002). The Artificial Neural Networks In The Context Of The Modern Tendencies In The Evolutionary Computing, Problems Of Engineering Cybernetics And Robotics, V. 52, Sofia, 2001, 43-50.
56 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2002). A General Technological Model To Design Artificial Neural Networks, Jubilee Conference with International Participation ’40 Years Union of Scientists in Bulgaria – Stara Zagora’, June 5-6,  2001г., St.Zagora, Thracian University, 156-159.
57 Kirilov, L. M., S. L. Koynov and Hr. I. Toshev (2002). Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems and Neural Networks, Proceedings of the XXXVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2002, October 2-4,  2002, Nish, Yugoslavia, 121-124.
58 Toshev, Hr. I., Ch. D. Korsemov, S. L. Koynov, L. M. Kirilov (2002). The Paradigm Model of The Artificial Neural Networks and Its Evolution up to The Expert Level Representation, Proceedings of the XXXVII International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST 2002, October 2-4, 2002, Nish, Yugoslavia, 117-120.
59 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2002). Artificial-Neural-Networks-Design Generalized Evolutionary Model, Proceedings of the 15th Int. Conf. on Systems for Automation of Eng. and Research SAER-2001, September 21-23, 2001, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort, 191-195.
60 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2002). The Design Of The Artificial Neural Networks As A Basis For Their Generalized Evolutionary Model, Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research SAER-2001, September 21-23. 2001, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort, 185-190.
61 Korsemov, Ch., S. Koynov, H. Toshev (2000). Macroenhancements for Calling Multiargumental Subroutines or Assemblies of Them, Problems of Engineering Cybernetics and Robotics, Vol. 48, 18-29.
62 Ilchev, V., S. Koynov (2000). Model of a Neural Cell’s Group with Multiple Synaptic Connections, Comptes rendus de l’Academie Bulgare des Sciences, Tome 53, V. 8, 2000, 41-44.
63 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2000). The Dynamic Registration as the Basis for the Practical PC Registrations. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research SAER’2000, September 18-20, 2000, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort.
64 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2000). A Review of the Registration Types for PCs. The Hybrid Registration as the Optimal for PC End Users. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference On Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research SAER’2000, September 18-20, 2000, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort.
65 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2000). Registration for the Personal Computers: Types, Differences and Applications, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Communication, Electronic and Computer Systems 2000”, 2000, Sofia, V.2, 158-162.
66 Koynov, S., Ch. Korsemov, Hr. Toshev (2000). A Review of the Registration Types for PCs. The Hybrid Registration as the Optimal for PC End Users. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research SAER’2000, September 18-20, 2000, Varna, St. Konstantin Resort.

Other professional experiences


Description – Role


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member


Conference “Intelligent Systems” Organizing Committee member