

Scientific-research activities – is participation in international projects:


  1. INCO-COPERNICUS Network Project, “Advanced Methodologies and Tools of Manufacturing Systems” (AMETMAS-NOE) (1997-2000).

The main goal of the AMETMAS-NOE project is to find a new direction to unify methodologies and tools for modeling and control large heterogeneous and distributed manufacturing systems.

  1. COPERNICUS NOE project, “Intelligent Forecasting Systems for Refineries and Power Systems” (IFS) (1998-2001).

New intelligent technologies have been developed in this project based on hybrid systems in order to realize productive control in refineries and power systems.

  1. FP5 of CRAFT project, “Advanced Control Algorithms for Programmable Logic Controllers” (ASPECT) (2000-2002).

The main results of this EC project are connected with the creation of a new multiaspect platform for design, commissioning and maintenance of PLC-based intelligent control of complex plants with changeable dynamics and uncertainty.

  1. FP5 of European Network on Intelligent Technologies for Smart Adaptive Systems (EUNITE) (2001-2003).

The objective of the EUNITE project is the further development of intelligent abilities of conventional adaptive systems via implementation of formal logic, machine learning, multiclassifier approaches in decision making in complex uncertain systems.

  1. Intelligent Supervisory Control and Optimization of Wastewater Treatment Plant Joint Project with Shenjan Institute of Chemical Technologies, China (2008-2010).

The main purpose in this project is to create new information technologies based on intelligent supervisory control for roughly changeable operational conditions in WWTP via the implementation of intelligent diagnostics and hybrid multimodel-based control.

Participation in scientific-research projects with the national fund for scientific research of the ministry of education and science:


  1. National Research Program “Smart crop production” approved by Decision of the Ministry Council No. 866/26.11.2020 – head of work package – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. (2021 – 2024)
  2. National Research Program „Integrative animal husbandry” – scientific team member – Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science. (2021 – 2024)
  3. “BG PLANTNET establishment of national information network GeneBank – plant genetic resources”, project KP-06-N36 – scientific team member – Scientific Research Fund. (2019 – 2023)
  4. „Intercriteria analysis – a new approach for decision making“ – Project under contract DFNI-I-02-5/14, between IBFBMI-BAS, BU “Asen Zlatarov” and IICT-BAS with the Ministry of Education and Science. – scientific team member – Scientific Research Fund (2014 – 2017)
  5. Optimisation and Control for Sustainable and Renewable Energy (OPTICONSTREN), Contract of IICT-BAS, with the National Science Fund № ДКОФ7РП02/1 (2011-2012). The project’s main goal is that the combined application of different approaches, methods and techniques in solving different problems in the management of the technological processes in a thermal power station, which lead to a higher level of work efficiency, will enable the design of algorithms with new attributes or the further development of known such.
  6. Diagnostic and Risk Assessment Predictive Asset Maintenance, Contract of UCTM and IICT-BAS with the National Science Fund № ДВУ-10-0267/10 (2010-2013). The goal of the project proposed is a holistic research of the theoretical foundations, alternative algorithms, software and techniques for predictive asset maintenance. This includes prognosis diagnostics, risk assessment, decision making for preventive or correcting actions and generating a schedule for their execution. Proceeding from the assumption for complicated heterogeneous environment with numerous sensors of different types and applying the suitable diagnostic systems, this project covers the whole process from determining and identifying a developing abnormal situation or failure to a prediction of the degree of asset degrading. This includes an optimal technical and economical choice among a set of instructions for situation overcoming and automatic generation of execution schedule according to the available resources, requirements, priorities and constraints of the maintenance system.
  7. Intelligent Diagnostics and Decision Making in Technological Processes, Contract of UCTM, IIT-BAS, TU-Varna, MGU and “Inovatiks” EOOD with MES № ТК01/485 (2009-2011)

The goal of the contract is elaborating methods and tools for intelligent diagnostics and decision making for often met thermal, mechanical and electromechanical objects based at neural, neuro-fuzzy networks and processes which are rule-based.

  1. Dynamic Ontologies in Multiagent Information and Control Systems, Contract of UCTM, IIT-BAS and IPR-BAS with MES № ВУ-ТН-204 (2006-2010).

Technological and philosophical problems are elaborated about the nature, design methodologies and the technologies of dynamic ontologies theoretically and also for control systems for complex technical and economic systems and e-learning.

  1. Multiagent Softsensing, Contact with MES № ТН 1408/04 (2006-2008).

Multiagent-system problems are intermixed with using software sensors for estimation of states, monitoring and optimization of ecological systems.

  1. Research Project, No 010077/2007, funded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2007-2009).

Investigations of decision making models in fuzzy environment The purpose of this project is directed towards researching and developing of models for decision making support in multicriteria problems under uncertainties from fuzzy type. The models simulate (approximate) human decision making by means of applying one of the basic elements of soft computing – fuzzy logic and more precisely – the fuzzy sets theory. Multicriteria fuzzy decision making problems are considered in cases of fuzziness present in initial information and at the stages of problem solution.

  1. Research project No 020060/2006, funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (2006-2009)

Study of data mining and knowledge discovery models for improving computer network security.

  1. Research Project, funded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2004-2006)

Robust stability of dynamic parametric systems”.

  1. Research project, funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (2003-2006)

Models with uncertain information in multicriterial DSS.

  1. Research project, funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (1998-2003)

Research of system models under structured parametric uncertainties.

  1. Research Project, funded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (2001)

Parametric uncertainty systems modelling and multi-objective optimisation problems analysis

  1. Research project No U-616/1996, funded by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (1998-2001)

Decision making computer modelling in multicriteria decision support systems (DSS).

  1. Research and Development Project No 210181 with the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency and Freemasanry Ltd. (2008)

Innovation information technologies in wind turbine electro – generator fields design.

  1. Research and Development Project No 210182 with the Bulgarian Small and Medium Enterprises Promotion Agency and Argitrage Ltd (2008)

Information technology for investment preference assessment in structural integration of small and medium enterprise.

  1. Research and Development Project No 5 ИФ 0243/16.12.2008 with Sektron Ltd. (2008)

Communication device in technical security systems.

  1. Research and Development Project No 2101728/2007 with Agrotrade – Pavlovy Ltd.

Plovdiv (2007) – Multi-criteria model for investment preference assessment of economic enterprises.

  1. Research and Development Project with NHIF and SAITC (2006)

Review for information technologies in NHIF for 2004-2005.

  1. Research and Development Project with KOMINFTEX.BG” Ltd (2005 – 2006)

A model of Investment Preference assessment under incomplete data.

  1. Research and Development Project with with Eskrim Ltd.(2004 – 2005)

Тechnicoeconomic research of the management and control system for the industrial and transport facility in “Maritza – Iztoc” mine.

  1. Intelligent Diagnostics and Decision Making in Technological Processes, Contract of UCTM, IIT-BAS, TU-Varna, MGU and “Inovatiks” EOOD with MES № ТК01/485 (2009-2011).

The goal of the contract is elaborating methods and tools for intelligent diagnostics and decision making for often met thermal, mechanical and electromechanical objects based at neural, neuro-fuzzy networks and processes which are rule-based.

  1. System for Ecological Monitoring of Outgoing Gases from Steam Generators in Power Plant – Varna.

Joint Project with “Start Engineering” JSCo-Sofia (2004-2006).

  1. Structures and Algorithms for Control of Steam Generators in Power Plant “Bobov Dol”, Project with “Start Engineering” JSCo-Sofia (2003-2005).
  2. Developing Internet Information System by the Bulgarian National Television, 2002.
  3. Developing Inter-linguistic Localization of Software Products, Contract with Sofitek-East, 2001.
  4. Software for Automatic Control System of Mixed Concentrations in Mining Enterprise of Unior-Miner, Pirdop, 2000.
  5. Elaboration of Software “News Room” of the Bulgarian National Television, 1999.


Participation in international academic scientific-research projects:


  1. Theoretical and Experimental Research on Processes for Interactive Control of Dynamic Logical Networks with RFID Identification and Mobile Information Technologies, Contract with SPIIRAS, St. Peterburg (2009-2011).
  2. Development of Theories and Technologies in Multiagent Systems for Monitoring, Modeling and Control of Complex Technological, Organizational, Business and Education Systems, Contract with SPIIRAS, St. Peterburg (2009-2011).
  3. Development of Model-Algorithmical Insurance of Control Processes to complex uncertain objects with dynamically varying structures, Contract with SPIIRAS, St. Peterburg (2009-2011).
  4. Developing of Artificial Intelligence, Modeling and Decision Making Methods for Control of Goal-oriented Behavior of Complex Systems, Contract with ISA-RAS, Moscow (2009-2011).
  5. Intelligent Agents and Applications in Information Technologies, Contract with the Slovak Academy of Sciences (2007-2009).

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